It is said: Well behaved women rarely make his story.
I am NOT well behaved.
I am sexual
I am free
I am scared
I am a temple.
Not a girl to hide behind closed doors
but every woman broken, starved, craved behind it.
So, I built my own sisterhood.
Threaded and wove my own fortress
For I don’t hang around “Just any type of woman”-
I AM every woman:
Her secrets,
Her desires
Her tears shed in private.
I am her wishes, prayers, innocence, hope and free will.
Not a woman bound by the past,
I am a woman who unlocks the hidden.
I take up all the spaces and places Goddess has given me.
I trust her in solidarity, longevity, whole-heartedly.
I am her Virgin: Sovereign and proud.
And yes- my reputation will precede me very well indeed.
Poem by Nü Moon 9/19/21