A lot of my art incorporates an eye. I like eyes, I like to draw them, paint them, look at them. If eyes are the gateway to the soul, my art is the portal to see. I use to hate my eyes, I thought they were so boring, so brown...so....yarn.
It wasn't until a little later on people would tell me how piercing my eyes were, how intense my stare could be. Sometimes, when I make direct eye contact with a stranger, I feel like I can see in to the core of where they yearn the most. I like the eye because it represents all seeing, all knowing. I like to think of my eye artwork as my way of viewing the world.
Eyes have always been a vulnerable aspect to me as a child. I hated to look someone in the eye. I use to think there was something wrong with me. Maybe I just didn't want to see. Or maybe it was the fact that I saw too much that I placed distance between my eyes and so many. Maybe it was myself trying to hide my own fears, afraid to reveal my own tortured truths. I know that my eyes have always been a weak aspect for me since a early age and I am still trying to see clearly.
When our eyes are truly open, we can start to see the aspects of ourselves in others. We can see the joy, the pain, the hurt, love...fear. Eyes can tell a story that words could never express as fluidly.
In the end, looking at the aspects of life with a true eye: vulnerable, flawed, yet full of wonder and awe; It makes sense why this has always been a part of the human experience that "Eye" express the most.
